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Michelle is a gifted and empathetic therapist who walks alongside her clients to shine a light so that we can more clearly see ourselves as we work to cultivate insight and wisdom.


I have appreciated Michelle's openness, her deep listening and gentle care as she attentively works with all aspects of mind, body and spirit. 

Deeply committed to her own growth, Michelle integrates this learning skilfully and compassionately into her professional work. She is a firm believer that we all are here to help each other.


I have come to understand, through working with Michelle, the importance of exploring all aspects of being so that one can meet life with steadiness and balance. 


~ Margaret, 62, Saskatoon

When I began seeing Michelle several years ago, I was a completely different person and, still, the same, because though I have learned new practices and applied new tools, Michelle has continued to lead me back to myself, even in that first meeting.


Whether in person or over the phone, Michelle is able to hold empathetic space for wherever I am at in my personal journey. She asks the right questions and will lend her own wisdom when appropriate. She has seen me through romantic turmoil, familial trauma, professional struggle, and my own personal growth which includes coming out at a later age. Working with Michelle has given me years of my life back. I often feel like the revelations we reach together are ones that I would have come to naturally, only it would have been 10, 20, or 30 years down the road. It’s such a gift to arrive at these epiphanies now while in partnership with a mentor such as Michelle.


Today I feel more fully embodied in myself than I could have ever imagined when I first walked into her office, and it is largely due to the safe space she created, and continues to create, for me.


Michelle's voice has been a source of stability and strength during my most tumultuous times.

She is consistently empowering, using relational approaches to remind me that even in the darkness of anxiety, I'm not alone. I have benefited from Michelle's ability to help me move beyond identifying coping strategies and into an environment where I feel safe enough to explore the ways in which my past experiences impact today's struggle.

Michelle genuinely believes in the healing power that comes through relationship - this is the magic that she brings to therapy. 

~ Kaitlyn

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